These are Labeled Collections of REAL Fossils from across earth's history going back to before the first dinosaur! Each fossil is labeled to correspond with the following information sheet and come in a clear adjustable case for easy transport and display! The 12 fossils included are; a Dinosaur Bone Fragment, Mosasaur Tooth, Crow Shark Tooth, partial Elrathia Trilobite, Ammonite, Extinct Ice Age Horse Tooth, Crinoid Stem, Gastropod, Stingray Barb, Horn Coral, Brachiopod, and a piece of Petrified Wood!
The case is 6.75 x 4 x 1 inches.
The size and quality of each fossil varies from case to case. Above are pictures of nine different collections to give you an idea of the size and quality of the fossils you will receive.
Makes a fantastic gift for science enthusiasts of all ages! Combined shipping is available for orders or multiple items!
Trilobite: (Elrathia kingii) Trilobites are arthropods that lived from 521 to 252 million years ago. They come in many shapes and sizes. Some would roll into a ball. This Specimen is an Elrathia trilobite from the Cambrian of Utah, 513 to 498 million years old.
Brachiopod: (Rhynchonella sp.) Brachiopods, also called lamp shells, are animals with two shells like clams that filter food out of the water. They are not at all related to clams, however. They first appeared approximately 550 million years ago. This specimen is from the Silurian of Morocco, 444 to 419 million years old.
Horn Coral: (Turbophyllum sp.) Corals are filter feeding marine organisms with stone like exoskeletons that make up large reefs. Most corals are made up of many individual small organisms called polyps. Horn corals are an extinct group of corals that only had one large polyp that lived from 488 to 251 million years ago before going extinct. This specimen is from the Late Mississippian of Millard County, Utah 326 to 318 million years old.
Crinoid stem: Crinoids are animals related to starfish. Crinoids first appeared about 480 million years ago. They look like flowers and are sometimes called sea lilies. The “flower”, called a calyx, had multiple arms that would filter food particles from the water and put them in the mouth in the center of the arms. They attach themselves via a stem and roots to the bottom of the sea floor. This specimen is a partial stem from the Pennsylvanian of north central Texas, approximately 300 million years old.
Dinosaur Bone: Dinosaurs first appeared about 233 million years ago. They then diversified into a variety of shapes and sizes from smaller than a house cat to as large as a whale. This specimen is from the Late Jurassic of Colorado about 155-145 million years old. Dinosaurs alive at this time include the long neck Sauropods like Apatosaurus, Plated dinosaurs like Stegosaurus, and a variety of Carnivorous dinosaurs such as Ceratosaurus and Allosaurus! Although dinosaurs such as these would all go extinct 66 million years ago one group of dinosaurs, birds, still lives to this day!
Ammonite: Ammonites are Cephalopods, like squid and octopi, that had a coiled shell. They lived from 409 to 66 million years ago and ranged in size from less than an inch to over six feet (two meters) across depending on the species. This specimen is from the Cretaceous of Madagascar about 110 million years old.
Mosasaur Tooth: Mosasaurs are huge carnivorous marine reptiles that lived alongside dinosaurs from 101 to 66 million years ago. Some approached 60 feet (18 meters) in length! They aren't dinosaurs but are close relatives of snakes and lizards. This specimen is from the Cretaceous of Morocco, about 75 million years old.
Crow Shark Tooth: (Squalicorax pristodontus) Crow sharks are medium sized sharks that live and died with the dinosaurs. Like all sharks, they had many rows of teeth and would shed old ones to be replaced by new ones. This is the largest species of Crow shark and grew to lengths of 16 feet (5 meters). This specimen from the Cretaceous of Morocco, about 72 million years old.
Petrified Wood: Petrified wood is a special type of fossilized wood that occurs when the organic molecules in the wood are replaced by minerals, usually quartz. This specimen is from the Eocene of College Station, Texas, 50 to 40 million years old.
Gastropod: (Eoconus sauridens) Gastropods (Snails) are mollusks with coiled shells that move along the ground or sea floor. They eat plants or actively hunt other animals, depending on the species, and first appeared 540 million years ago. When a snail dies, its shell usually dissolves leaving only an internal mold of the shell. This specimen is rare in that the original shell was preserved. It is from the middle Eocene of College Station, Texas, about 42 million years old.
Stingray Barb: Stingrays are close relatives of sharks. There most famous feature is a venomous barb on their tail that they use to defend themselves from larger predators like sharks and dolphins. This specimen is from the late Miocene or Pliocene of Florida, 10 to 2.5 million years old.
Extinct Ice Age Horse Tooth: (Equus sp.) Horses lived in North America for millions of years before going extinct about 11 thousand years ago. A different species of domestic horse was reintroduced to North America by European settlers in 1519. This specimen is the Pleistocene of Florida, 1 million to 12 thousand years old.
All of my items come with a Certificate of Authenticity! If I have a fossil listed up as something, I make darn well sure that's what it is!
I do combined shipping on all items upon request!
Thank you for reading please contact me with any questions.
Have a wonderful day!