This Is a Beautiful tooth from Paronychodon caperatus, a rare small carnivorous dinosaur from the Hell Creek Formation in Powder River County, Montana, USA! The Paronychodon of Hell Creek are very mysterious dinosaurs. Known as a "tooth taxon" the only remains of this species found in Hell Creek are teeth, leaving a lot of speculation as to the nature of this animal. Although often referred to as a raptor, it isn't known if it was a true raptor, a Troodontid, or a different type of carnivorous dinosaur altogether. The teeth tend to be small but long and sharp, with ridges up and down the tooth and no serrations. It was a small carnivorous dinosaur. It is believed to be about the size of a medium to small sized dog. It measures .219 inches (5.56 mm) with no repair or restoration! It comes in a 1 inch gem jar for easy transport and display!
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Have a wonderful day!
Species: Paronychodon caperatus
Size: .219 inches (5.56 mm)
Found: Powder River County, Montana, USA
Formation: Hell Creek Formation
Age: 68-66 million years old
Repair: None